
Het Pachthof is a cosy three-star hotel in a charming square farm in Borlo, Haspengouw.

You can rest assured, because we guarantee a carefree holiday with a Patton tank in front of the door.

A warm welcome for cyclists, hikers, as well as culture enthusiasts. As well as corporate guests; we have a perfect location on the language border.

Corporate guests, it is best to send a direct mail to get a good price quote.

Rohnny, Isabel and Betty expect you…

Back in time, surprisingly different.


Discover all hotel rooms
  • 1985

    Do you prefer to sleep in a castle suite? The furniture in this room comes from the guest room of…
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  • 1980

    Rohnny’s grandparents were the owners of “De Palace”, a village cafe with a dance hall where it was a whole…
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  • 1988

    A farm with a pigeon loft was not so obvious in earlier times. After all, there was a pigeon law…
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